Apologies that my "Friday" freezer idea is coming on a Monday; I hope you'll be forgiving since this past Friday we left early for a trip to Indianapolis to celebrate Kenny's sister's wedding! Welcome to the family, Greg :) We had a great family weekend.
Here is the set up for this post:
2 weeks ago I got into my chest freezer to find it half thawed, not cold at all!!!! Thinking I left the lid open or maybe it came slightly unplugged; I cranked the temperature gage up and hoped it would get cold quick! Well it didn't! Something was wrong. To save ALL my meat, 25 lbs. of blueberries and Lord knows how much corn; I had rearrange my other 2 freezers to make room for my thawing food. Thankfully, 4 pounds of ground beef was the only totally thawed food. It couldn't be refrozen so I had to do something with it quick...
~The first 2 lbs. I made into meatloaf that we ate for 2 days. The other 2lbs. I made into taco meat.
~I added green pepper, onions and all the seasonings I add when making tacos: cilantro, cumin, chili powder, S & P etc. and browned until everything was cooked through!
~Next, I let it cool completely and transferred into 2 air tight containers, labeled "taco meat" and stuck it in my freezer.
(Where it stayed for about 2 weeks)
~Yesterday, before church I took 1 of the taco meat containers from the freezer and put it in the refrigerator. Because it was already in a crumbled form it thawed within a few hours.
~When we got home from church I warmed it in a skillet for about 5 minutes
(warm slowly and with a lid to prevent drying out) and added a little bit more spices to taste.
~Lunch was served from start to finish in about 7 minutes and with only 2 dirty dishes
(freezer container & skillet). I loved the ease of this. Right away I wanted to share this idea with working/Busy moms. Spaghetti meat sauce and/or meatballs would work perfectly too.
Note: A repair guy came out and our chest freezer is ruined. Some part went out! Thankfully, it is still under warranty since it is ONLY 6 months old! A new one should be delivered soon…