The weather::: Crazy Illinois::: High 30s early in the week & mid 50s by Friday!!!
On my reading pile::: "Have a New Husband by Friday" by Kevin Leman- It is a great book that I have really enjoyed reading. It actually is about changing my attitude not sure much changing Ken.
On my TV::: Cinderella- Mae's new obsession
On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Sausage & peppers, recipe via BFF Jenna
Tuesday - Chicken Broccoli Casserole (I am going to freeze leftovers in lunch size portions for Ken)
Wednesday - Chicken Enchiladas (I am going to freeze leftovers in lunch size portions for Ken)
Thursday - Ham & Broccoli Quiche, recipe via BFF Jenna
Friday - Lamb Shepards Pie
Saturday - Leftovers
Sunday - Tamale Pie
On my to do list::: Grocery store, make a few phone calls, pay bills
My "project" of the week::: Prepare for baby
What I am creating::: A few frozen meals to have in the freezer for when baby comes
From the camera::: Bummer, I have a few but I can't figure out how to get them from my phone on here!
Highlight of the past weekend::: Sleeping :) I have been so so so tired these past few days!
Looking forward to this week::: Tuesday, a leadership meeting for my Mom's group
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