
Sunday, June 2

2 on 2~June

So Miss Cora Mae has a nail bitting problem! Any advice on how to break her of this would be appreciated. Although, she has been bitting them for awhile so it may be hard to break. The big problem is she does it as she is falling asleep so I can't offer words of encouragement not to :/ Other than that she is healthy as we can almost see her growing in front of our eyes!
She has been helping me in the yard {So precious} her loving, kind heart is a lesson to me!

Miss Evie is 4.5 months! At her last doctor appointment she weighed 12lbs 9oz. Actually, smaller than Cora at the same age! I am trying to get her on a better sleep schedule. Oh, but it is so hard especially since I am not one to let her "cry it out". I just can't! I just can't do it. I can't handle it! We'll get there I'm certain. She is rolling over all the time now, enjoys her tummy & is starting to scoot herself around!!!!


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