
Monday, November 12

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather::: Low to mid 40s.

On my reading pile::: My bible study on James has finished now I am going to read through Esther.

On my TV::: Cartoons-- I miss the news

On the menu for this week:::
Monday - Meatloaf & baked potatoes
Tuesday - Mexican casserole
Wednesday - Broccoli cheese soup & Hawaiian rolls
Thursday - Swedish meatballs
Friday - Date night :)
Saturday - FONDUE! Remember our Christmas tradition? Yup, we are putting up our tree- I never put it up this early. If you knew what my next 3 weeks looked like you wouldn't harp on me for putting up my tree on Nov. 17th!!!
Sunday - Harvest soup & rolls

On my to do list::: Same ole Monday: grocery store & other errands, pay bills & tidy up house!

My "project" of the week::: Still to organize the basement. It didn't get done last week! ;)

What I am creating:::

Looking around the house::: It is a chilly morning after a beautiful weekend. Mae is bundle up in a blanket w/ her milk, watching cartoons. House is pretty tidy & I am in my recliner drinking coffee!

From the camera::: I didn't take any pictures this week. My camera battery is dead. Oooops!

Highlight of the past weekend::: Having the windows open Saturday & Sunday. Seems like a lame "highlight". But Friday Mae was puking and it was a relief on Saturday for her to be better, neither Ken or I got it and to have fresh air coming in through the windows! Ahhh, the small things...

Looking forward to this week::: Friday! We got a sitter for Miss MaeMae and are going on a date. Not sure yet what we are doing. But excited still the same :)

Bible verse, Devotional::: "It will be death that divides us. I love you & I am not going anywhere." This is from yesterday's service ending the series on Song of Solomon.

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