
Tuesday, August 20

Spooky Stories

In June, I helped my mom clean & organize her attic. I came across a tote of children's books that I read as a kid. Funny, how a book I had forgotten all about can bring back memories...

Mom said I should take them for Cora instead of packing them back in the attic. I made a disclaimer that the 25+ yr old books might not survive long in my house. I brought about 10 books home but knew the 2 "SPOOKY" Berenstain Bears books would be the biggest hit w Cora. For several months prior she had been wanting me to tell her "Spooky" stories. Since we didn't have any books, I just made stories up.

So for weeks now I have been reading the following 2 books to her every night! Over n over n over n over.....Yea, her & I both know them by heart.  Although, I am getting bored w these 2 books I Wouldn't trade these moments w her.

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