
Monday, May 2

Stuffed French Toast WINS

Yes, stuffed french toast wins. I usually post recipes on Monday or Tuesday but this week you're going to be disappointed. I was planning on making stuffed french toast this past Saturday for breakfast because I saw it was clearly going to win. I had all the ingredients....OR so I thought. I was soooo certain I had the perfect bread in the freezer I didn't even bother to check. But when I went to pull the bread out it wasn't there. Ugh, I was wrong and so I did not have bread to make the french toast, ha a necessary ingredient! I now have everything and will be making it this coming Saturday. Why so long? Make it for dinner this week? Ahhh, NO you see Ken hates breakfast for dinner. And the only time I got away w making him breakfast for dinner was when I was pregnant! So please stay tuned for the recipe!
PS- No voting this week! Guess I get the week off. Good thing so I can focus on COUPONING!

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